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Pink Sugar

Want to take the story further?

Check out these ideas to


 with your kids! 

There's a Skunk
in the Punch!

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What did Melbourne think he was good at?

What are some things you are good at?

Is it okay to be proud of something you do well?


When does pride become wrong?

(When it leads to bad choices, not listening to sound advice,

or hurting others so that you can look good.)


Why did Melbourne not see the cliff that made him fall into the slop?

(He was too self absorbed to see danger.)

(Proverbs 16:18, parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15)


Did Melbourne seem to feel bad that he sprayed the little mouse?

Should Melbourne have crashed the church picnic

meant for people?


Why were the people at the picnic angry with him?

Did they forgive him?


When we make a bad decision, does it only affect us?

Although Melbourne made things right about the picnic disaster,

did that completely undo what he'd done?


How was he changed forever because of his mistake

with the punch?


Could spraying punch smelling scent instead of stinky smelling scent

be bad for a skunk in the wild?




  • Skunks really are proud of their white markings because it reminds predators of their special scent.  Some breeds of skunks are more spotted than striped.

  • Their stinky spray isn't actually used as a weapon to harm, but a warning to keep danger away. They spray it as a last resort and can shoot it up to 10 feet!

  • It's true that skunks love fruit! Why do you think Melbourne was looking for fruit at night? Because skunks are most active at night while we are asleep. Why do you think he was using binoculars? Because skunks have poor vision and can't see more than 10 feet away.

  • Skunks also like vegetables, plants, insects, birds, bird eggs, and small rodents like mice. Melbourne doesn't seem afraid of the bee in the story. A skunk's thick fur protects them from getting stung and they will even snack on bees if they have a chance!

  • Why do you think the author shows Melbourne smiling a lot and even trying to help in the end? Because skunks are one of the most peace-loving, non-aggressive animals in the wild.




Can you name all the fruits shown in the book?

Can you find all the other animals besides Melbourne?

What flavor of punch do you think Melbourne fell into?


Have fun trying to draw a skunk your way and use your

imagination to make up a story about him. 


and that was that

And That Was That PNG QR with logo.png

SCAN THE QR CODE to download this info from right here!

Why do you think Sebastian was sad?

Name some things that make you feel unhappy?


Did his friends try to cheer him up?

Was it good for them to try even if it didn't seem to help?

Was it wrong for his friends to still have fun even if Sebastian needed time alone?


Do you think Sebastian would have jumped in the puddles for fun if he hadn't been unhappy?

Why couldn't he hear the birds singing like he usually does?

Is it harder to appreciate happy things when we don't feel well?


How long do you think Sebastian was sad?

Can time feel extra long when we don't feel like ourselves?


Do you think Sebastian started feeling better because he liked Autumn or because 

he had taken time to heal?


Do you think it helped for Sebastian to look up...

(focus on the positive, let others help, lean on God)

...instead of down?

(focus only on the problem, push help away)


Does everyone feel unhappy sometimes? Even grown-ups?

Will you feel sad, (disappointed, scared, lonely) more than once in your life?

Name some things you believe help with sadness.




Why do you think the author chose an elephant for the main character?

Because elephants often "appear sad" and there are several reasons:


  • They have wrinkled, droopy eyes.

  • They look like they're crying. Because their eyes don't wick away the natural moisture protecting the eye, the fluid is forced to run down their cheeks like constant tears.

  • They are generally relaxed, quiet animals. Although they can run up to 25 miles per hour if excited, elephants typically lumber along slowly and awkwardly.

  • They feel deeply and actually grieve for long periods of time over the loss of another elephant.


How does an elephant look when they're happy or excited?

Their heads are held high (they look up) and they lift their trunks in the air for joy.

They love to play games and actually smile when they see their friends and family.


Why do you think the author showed Sebastian reaching for a heart shaped star 

constellation when he felt happy at the end of the story?

Because elephants use their trunks to show affection and love.

They hug each other with their trunks. They even show compassion for other breeds of animals who are hurt, sad, or in need by reaching out with their trunks.


What does "and that was that" mean?

It means "that's all there is to it" or "there's nothing more to say."

I Think Maybe
I Swallowed a Baby

I Think Maybe PNG QR code with logo.png

SCAN THE QR CODE to download this information from right here!

Have you ever been around a new baby?

Did things change when the baby came home?


What other things bring change?

(a new babysitter, a new school, saying goodbye to someone...)


Why was the whale grumpy after he swallowed his breakfast at the beginning of the story?

Did he like being interrupted?


Why couldn't he think or sleep?

Does change ever make you feel grouchy?


Why was the whale sad after he sneezed at the end of the story?

Do you think he wished his new friends could come back?


Do you believe change can bring good things?

Does God like to give us new things and new people?

(Ecclesiastes 3:1, Isaiah 43:18-19)

God is our constant in change. (Hebrews 13:8, James 1:17)

Should we give change a chance?




Can you find 2 flags in the story? 2 snorkels, 4 feathers, 1 green fish, 1 purple fish, 1 blue fish, 4 red shoes, 2 boats, 2 red bow ties, 2 stinky socks, and 11 babies?




  • It's true that whales love to swim through schools of small fish to scoop up their breakfast, but some whales also graze the bottom of the ocean for food.

  • It's true that giraffes don't sleep much. In the wild, they only sleep about 40 minutes a day and only about 5 minutes at a time.

  • It's true that babies sleep more than giraffes. Some newborns can sleep up to 20 hours a day altogether.

  • While they may not actually dance, it's true that ostriches move fast and are very noisy. They can run faster than a horse and make a call like a lion's roar.

  • They may not play the piano in the ocean, but hippos are truly musical under water. They make a honking sound beneath the water to talk and "sing" with other hippos nearby.




Fish and babies are wiggly. What else is wiggly?

What could make a circus tent wiggly?

(the wind, the people and animals moving around inside...)


Hippos are heavy and babies are light.

What else is heavy? What else is light?


Pianos are big and babies are small.

What else is big? What else is small?


Clouds are soft but babies are softer.

What else is very soft?


What made the whale sneeze? What else can make you sneeze besides a feather?

(pepper, dust, the sun, a cold...)


Can you draw a whale your way? Of course you can!


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